An Introduction.

Howdy! Welcome to Holotusk, a website where i discuss the Holocure game. My name is Tusk and i LOVE the gameplay loop of Holocure. More accurately, i love the optimization of this game, trying to understand everything, from characters and building synergies to routing level ups, from a meta perspective. My goal with this website is to create a hub of my accumulated insights into this game so that they can hopefully be used as a resource for other players who are interested, as well as create simple-to-follow yet effective guides for various aspects of this game. Many, if not all, of the things i post here will be subjective and inline with how i enjoy exploring Holocure; please explore Holocure however you feel like, and feel free to challenge, inquire or discuss anything i post here. If you find any mistakes on my website, then sending corrections my way will be greatly appreciated as it strongly helps the quality of my website. This place still has SO MUCH construction to go through, but my contacts will be added here one day. PLEASE BEAR WITH ME AS I TRY MY BEST!

What is Holocure? A Basic Overview

Holocure is a pixel-style vampire survivor roguelike, starring the talents of Hololive as playable characters. With 3 current gamemodes available, "Stage Mode", "Endless Mode" and "Time Mode", each with the core gameplay loop of navigating ever-increasing hordes of enemies. Each Talent is equipped with a main weapon that can be used to kill enemies for xp, allowing for leveling up, which accesses the roguelike aspect of the game. For every level-up you are given a list of 4 randomly selected upgrades from the Weapon pool, Item pool or a Stat increase. Weapons, in particular, are very interesting as, once leveled to level 7, 2 weapons can be combined to create a Collab, combining the effects of the weapons used and improving their functionality. A very important core of this game is understanding how different collabs and items synergize with each character and each other. No character is forced to play, or build, in any particular way; explore the potential of the synergies and play however you feel like.

